It is not without reason that Nyksund is one of the most visited places in Vesterålen. What most people think of when it comes to Nyksund is probably the wild and beautiful nature which, among other things, enables one or more trips in the Dronningruta. These are typical summer experiences, but below is more information and tips for new and interesting experiences in Nyksund all year round.
You can meet us in Delpen most of the year, and we are happy to post your experiences. Out here there are wonderful restaurants, cafes and accommodation in several price ranges. We have good carriers of the tradition and these guides are happy to take you on a trip, or give a story inside our house .
January brings either cold fine weather or, often, new big storms that sweep over the island from the south-west. For those who are not squeamish, this may be the best time to visit us out here. Whether it’s quiet or the storm howls around Husnova, we’re comfortable and warm inside. We have somewhat limited opening hours, but welcome guests who come with great joy and enthusiasm both for accommodation and otherwise in the shop Cafeen. Now is also the right time to sit inside and listen to old local legends and fairy tales in the cafe section. Around January 20, the sun returns, and it’s honestly worth a party, and it will be, a sun party in January.

In January, the skrei should already be here. If he hasn’t swum all the way here, until then, he will do it in FEBRUARY. For us in Nyksund, this means that the season is underway. Not only does the cry “swimman’s, but now comes the tourist” come. There are many people who come out to experience the ice fishing.
The staff at the restaurant “Ekspedisjonen” squinted at the light and started a new fishing season. The crew at SJØBLOMSTEN prepares the fishing equipment. If you’re going to join, it’s a good idea to book a fishing trip early, at www.sjoblomsten.no . Otherwise, it is a good idea to book a room at www.nyksundrom.no . The largest apartments have room for 6 people in two rooms. All apartments have their own bathroom and toilet as well as a kitchen.
Something must be said, we get the northern lights in August, and we can see this weather phenomenon as a brilliant waving blanket all winter long. If you didn’t get it with them in the autumn, you can get over it now.

March and April can bring heavy snow. The heavy snow is an experience in itself. “it’s pouring down” as we say, it can be a meter or more a day, but the snow disappears after a few days. In April, the hikers begin to return. For many, the Dronningruta is a great challenge now with a mixture of snow, slush and bare ground. And sometime around this time, those who have holiday homes in Nyksund start spring cleaning their houses and cabins.

Mars og april kan komme med kraftige snøvær. Det kraftige snøværet er en opplevelse i seg sjøl. «det lava ned» som vi sei, det kan være en meter eller mer i døgnet, men snøen den forsvinner etter få dager. I april begynner fotturistene å komme tilbake. For mange, er Dronningruta ei flott utfordring nå med en blanding av snø, slaps og barmark. Og engang på denne tida begynner de som har feriehus i Nyksund, vårpuss av hus og hytter.

Our shop and cafe are mostly open all the time, shorter opening hours in winter, but you can find us. If we are not present, we can be found by phone or electronically. And in May, we begin this year’s big replenishment of goods that have been acquired over the winter. On the shore, the beach is being cleaned so that Nyksund and Vesterålen can be ready for 17 May. At this time, the international guests begin to come to Nyksund in ever greater numbers. The Norwegians are mostly guests all year round, but a category that is increasing now are well-grown motorhome tourists who come out to enjoy the weather, and to go for a walk, whether it’s the Dronningruta or strolling in the weather. Many people come to us for a cup of coffee and a good chat. And, quite certainly, many are looking for the new things that are in place in the store.

Soon we will be over in June and on 14 June the old people in Nyksund said that now the dry fish should come off the shelf. If you have not booked a room or holiday apartment for the summer, do so now at www.nyksundrom.no , before your favorite room or apartment is rented out. As usual, there are many experiences in the local area that we can help you with. Rib trips to Anda to watch seabirds are popular, and at the same time you can catch seals around Beinøya. And of course rent SJØBLOMSTEN for a trip, either a cruise or a fishing trip. In our rooms and apartments there is detailed information about the possibilities in Vesterålen.

Summer comes with the end of school and many make the trip out here for a sea experience. The harbor is buzzing with life. We put June behind us and embark on hectic July. Many languages are spoken in Nyksund, and we who are in the service try our best to answer all the questions. And, to tell the good stories. And, act as a guide for the crowd of tourists.

At the end of August, the northern lights return to us. In many of the Northern Lights locations in Northern Norway, you often have to travel for hours to experience the Northern Lights. This is not the case here. Due to the negligible light pollution, you can observe the wild northern lights in the middle of the buildings in Nyksund.
In August, there is yet another large influx of foreign visitors, both Norwegian and especially southern European guests leaving their mark on Nyksund. But the guests still tell us that it is so quiet here in Nyksund. “It’s easy to find peace here” is something we often hear. And now the blue halibut fishing that takes place on the bank outside Nyksund is over. There are plenty of mushrooms, and in August at the latest you can start harvesting this delicacy in the local area.

In both August and September there is good seine and herring fishing close to Nyksund. This is the time to take a trip out to the nearby fishing banks to get fresh fish. SJØBLOMSTEN, a 57-foot traditional fishing boat is located by the jetty at Nyksundværet 34. You can rent it through Delpen or directly at www.sjoblomsten.no . For those interested in inland fishing and hunting, there are many opportunities. Traditionally, “Fortellerdagan i Vesterålen” is also held in early September in Nyksund. You can find information about this on fb. Tellellerdagan in Vesterålen. And, it is still possible to go on shore, mountain and valley tours in the Nyksund area.

In October, the constantly changing weather will provide many great experiences. The Northern Lights shine beautifully many days a month. The Dronningruta is perhaps a greater challenge in the autumn, but many people like to go on a mountain trip in the autumn weather. And an overnight stay in Nyksund can be magical in the constantly changing weather, with both bright light and shadow. Bring good food and prepare your own meals in our well-equipped holiday apartments, or book a table at one of the restaurants. Or book a fishing trip with SJØBLOMSTEN.
In both September and October, there are several smaller festivals every year, keep an eye on FB and other electronic information channels. Feel free to come out on a day trip, or book a holiday apartment, so you can visit the festivals or just relax inside with good food and drink.

At this time, in November, it most often happens that one of the BIG STORMS visits us here in the sea gap. If you have not yet experienced how the sea whips you in the face while standing safely on land, it is time to go beyond for a day or a weekend. Lovely to sit in the warmth with food and drink while you hear and feel the roar of the ocean.
Autumn’s great tradition in Nyksund takes place on the last weekend in November and the first weekend in December. Right up until the end of November, the Northern Lights have been allowed to flow freely and paint the sky over Nyksund in beautiful colours.
Around 15 November we start preparing for “NYKSUND CHRISTMAS TOWN”. We hang up kilometers of Christmas decorations all the way from the mainland. Above the breakwater and beyond in all weathers, streets and quays are decorated. The Christmas tree comes into place and is decorated. Many exhibitors come from all over the region who have booked space at galleries, restaurants, cafes and also in our shop. Here you can buy Christmas gifts and art of various kinds, of course you can buy home-baked Christmas cakes and other baked goods as well as local fish and meat products from us and the exhibitors.
These two weekends show Nyksund at its most magical, make sure to book a table at the restaurants and remember to book your holiday apartment in time. Nyksund before Christmas is a great experience whether you are outside or inside. Take a look at what we have to offer at www.nyksundrom.no.

After Julebyen ends in December, Christmas peace descends on the weather. Those who live in Nyksund are preparing for Christmas and holiday guests are settling into holiday apartments to celebrate a very special Christmas and New Year at the far end of the sea gap with good food and drink while you feel nature rustling in the houses.